Wednesday, September 21, 2022

God has 2 have a sense of humor

 I mean look at all the sheep in Parliament who are bewitched by the pathetic portents of public opinion . They fly off here and there to solve the problems of this worldl.Most of them couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery . 
 I wouldn't mind if they knew what they were doing but they got on the plane  by  agreeing that the Public do know what they are doing - Clearly they don't know what they are doing to find energy sources other than fossil fuels -- only fools would force us to the hell of a fixed jail term-- a simple 43% solution. Public opinion is as fickle as the  hot air they hope to manage. 

So if God has a sense of humor and justice, how is He going to break the spell ?  Maybe like us old parents , he gets to the point of saying" let them wear their own" .    

I know God has   a sense of humor      and many other things because , miracle of miracles  the tributes to Queen Elizabeth by our leaders TODAY was exceptional and because humble pie awaits us all .

For your enjoyment of this day when we celebrate the honoring of incomplete human beings 

You  will meet them in the following places . 

The Russian  commo who organises the concert in " the Concert"on stage when the music comes together, 
The kings speech 
Young Victoria

Thursday, August 25, 2022

So you WOKES are offended , so what

Our mothers and fathers,  were they still alive,  would be telling us to stop complaining and grow up .

 Men need the same but if you are not going to listen to Jordan Peterson , you are not going to listen to me. Thankfully lots of young people are being helped by him ,Thats a lot more that you can ever say for the ABC and our now rigidly "do your own thing"  education non service. ( no wonder no one wants to teach there- teaching means learning to discipline mind and body to workable ends  ) 

Face up to that fact,  YOU still need to be strong in defending yourself and be truly liberated,  that your choice to join the sexual revolution was a rebellious childish reaction AND   is an abject failure of a lifestyle ( even when you get a  wage to promote it )  .You and your comrades are increasingly isolated and in denial. 

Lots of men loved you for following the line of making yourself  available . They naturally have never really been greatly committed to anything , let alone  you  and now you've raised  YOUR children ( they were never yours )  the way you wanted , he has had to come drunk to tell you that you aren't as clever as your mom ,And so,  you fight and are offended . Well I say , face the offence like a woman !
Save the children if nothing else !

Gaslight  men all you like, it won't help one man or woman come to terms with anger ( as we all need to do  before you give another distracting superficial  sermon on the stats results  on  violence ) 

The younger generation need your help . Many girls  feel like sluts and for all the years you have bean standing at the ABC club and drinking to more man bashing and the like , wake up to the fact that your have not helped anyone of them one bit ,
Contraception control doesn't change the animal in you or the simple testosterone and devil within logic you are both  fighting .
As for the  company you keep - it too is in denial and in discomfort and going fanatical.

Recognise the old  club isn't helping , Find some friends who will admit to the same experience and be like your mum and dad;   stand out amongst the crowd of woosy wokes who are in denial about their abject cynicism,  confusion  and denial , You will find plenty who you can share your frustrations with but not with deniers in the Fabian club

If you keep going on about HOW hard done by woman are and use the growing level of domestic violence against women as your excuse,   you  will go nowhere:
To deny the increasing isolation of women and NOT accept  that your choice of free sex is a recipe for increasing the  risk of all sort s of violence in every home is to end up being even more fanatical and in denial than you are now .

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Dreamers will achieve nothing because feet on the ground is the only basis for hope

I was at a meeting last night that has been banned from Facebook ( many many times ) and its members shot at and  deregistered from their professions .
No  we weren't  all anti-vaxxers and  conspiracy theorists,  but  we were proudly symbols of the many  people who don't accept the political rhetoric of the moment . 

What a wonderfully lively and freeing community it was,  and the leaders hold similar meetings across the country they represent a large component of the thinking electorate -- that are now actively silenced.
What worries the already worried fanatics in power is that groups like this across the country  have a unity  - a unity not of mind and purpose or even action , but a renewed unity in the only thing that really matters - freedom of speech and individual action . 

As all people should note,  governments and their hangers on only pretend to be unified and their life cannot last. 

On the same day I also went to another big meeting of people rejecting the current political rhetoric . a  farmers meeting who were not there in the square to play politics, but to call for specific actions to limits the risk of disease entry into Australia  from Indonesia.
Farmers don't know everything, but they have seen the Luddite Labor Ludwig  solve a problem he didn't understand, let alone anticipate ; which is what you must do if you want to keep your farm.
Ludwig was yet another  unqualified unbusinesslike type who  killed the cattle industry without even thinking about it.. And as everyone at both meeting knows , the city , in a fit of peak could still do the same . 
All both groups and all those hundreds of thousands of farmers  who are too busy sorting out fluids in the mud all day want is (  as Jeremy Clarkson shows in Clarkson farm ) for the incumbents to absolutely stop pretending they know what they are doing to change the world.
Clearly their fanatical attempts to resist freedom of speech first , the basic actions of living now and great forays into foreign territories will soon come unstuck.  

Saturday, May 7, 2022

A pox on both major parties

 I weep for our children because they do not have the prospect of a home,  while my generation  have two. 

I weep for our children because our forefathers worked to offer us careers in science ; not just jobs, because it takes a lifetime to master a science area.  We don't work with each other but for ourselves.
Both poxy parties only talk about "jobs"   
Neither party is grieved that our kids work is casualized and corrupted  ( for some short term goal)  The pox is on them because they all do it in the name of the market god.
Is there any lame brain in Parliament who doesn't worship the market and the slow consultants and corrupted contract system it has created .
It is of course foul mouthed ignorance and hypocrisy to talk of the need for another ICAC when any former public servant knows polys create the worst corruption every day by insisting they know things ;running  their very own incompetent crap as truth .
I weep for that great  mass of mere reactionaries who can talk about problems after the horse has bolted . We were trained to be planners , prevention agents,adn risk takers   not driven about by the wind and by the destructive but pathetically weak whims of the demon of "the precautionary principle". You have heard of mutton dressed up as lamb . The PC way is political laziness and system abuse,  it is fear dressed up to cover ignorance and ongoing incompetence . Find out you lazy buggers in the Emperors castle and take a risk like constituents have to.   

I weep at the numbers of  the blatant arrogant  me generation persons who dare to call associations bad and themselves independently brilliant ;  when interindependancy ( and standing together with those you don't always agree with --an alliance for a specific purpose)  is essential in a democracy and society. No-one knows what many of them stand for ; they haven't made up their minds : stated precision in decision  used to be a reason you would vote for someone and still should be .  Even Labor don't state what they would use their latest carbon tax for : this hypocritical group deceitfully play down the fact that they don't know what they will do till they get there . they say they are working to get more climate change action" , Such actions which shall remain undefined lest people call them undecided about anything involving real decisions that affect people.  

I weep for our children because they,  like us, need hope  to drive them and live ( That great life lesson -short term loss for long term gain does not come from the markets nonsense that you must have it NOW  ) ;
So poorly educated in gain and pain  they are deceived, confused and yet keen to see change .  Our young people may well vote in the May 22 election for electric everything,  when they could well have no power to keep it running. The short term gain of hope in a new energy source will not be possible because the long term planning for it, is as dreamy as the hot air they and the media have got caught up in . Does anyone on the left dare to take openly about energy choices for the next 20 /200 years? 

I weep for my generation because they pretend we have lost power to the gods of the market when it was always within our power and wealth to not be so compliant to crude cut throat economics. Lost is a term for those who feel stuck but simply don't know a way out .They compound their confusion by worrying about the time ( probably still 200 years away ) when we will run out of fossil fuels and allowing some allied fear like Climate change compound all the rest they have . 

I weep for my own generation now in 2022 that they insist we change the earth's environment before fixing up our own

I weep for my  generation because, while we are rich, our children are poor, and we could have done something about it.

I weep for my own rich generation because we have failed to pass on what we inherited ; a choice to give good work and a sound economy to our children.