The chicken Ad speaks of just where we are and what we want I love it !
Carefully crafted for your body to wasteit away, the chicken ads tell the story . we are really sick to death of trying to explain things rationally --- and that appears to be nearly all of us .... including me .
Despite most leaders worshiping at the church of the rational solution ( CRS), God seems to have had his way . This old heresy that you only can know and be god is just not working .
Did you Know ?
That in an age which also worships technology that means that CRS is about to be thrown on the scrap heap ( you heard it first at the Emperors academy ) This fanatical phenomena is also clear evidence that the cracks are appearing . Hold fast .
For those of us whose faith is bigger, the great effort to prove the powerful right can be a good thing--- it will fail . but we also know from history that human beings aren't very rational creatures and destruction of the edifice may not be productive -- just another challenge to return to truth telling before some new named worry takes the attention seekers focus .
It seems humans are often at their very worst when they convince themselves they are completely rational.
There has never been , to my mind, in my lifetime as an effective risk management ecologist, less rational discussion leading to rational consensus .A paradox for that dying group who claim we can rationalize our way out of everything.
The posts on my blogs all speak of a growing frustration of the mind ( over nearly now 20 years ) which eventually insists on "shoving it up the opposing phrase " ( cause that it all it is often )
What ever happened to certainty? What ever happened to scientific literacy
With their new friends on the extreme edges these old cynics promote anything but a discussion in science but Ad Hominem on the spokesman.
The most concrete reality for me (in a strange paradox ) is that I as a scientist ( an earth scientist no less) claim to have the physics and chemistry very firmly on my side and ...
They as scientifically illiterates ( couldn't put 20 pages of Ads for net zero in November to work for them) claim to have science ( esp earth science) on their side . Whitehead and Ellul all predicted this terrible day nearly one hundred years ago. Flying blind
Other contraindicators ( just one for now)
Jordon Peterson has tried to remind the now wacky woke world of universities that Jung and Freud's work is being corralled into the same simple professional denials and arrogant simplicities as other scientists are saying has been happening to their work - forcing what works into a frame that we at least know will never work.
The extent of the problem take Global Warming and much of the catastrophic chatter for example
Its extremely weird that ALL these old scientifically illiterate desperadoes of OUR AGE (on both the left and right ) should on masse go woke and completely ignore that decarbonization is mad. - it is a false heaven death wish, as applied scientists all know .
Relieve yourself from worry about Global warming . Leaves have stoma and for eons they remind us that the earth is starving for CO2.
Dostevsky said from his own experience, that if there is no God, everything is permitted and sane If people want to worry and insist we all worry thats all OK . If you dare to go to the depths of the wild seas we live in order to avoid fear of drowning watch this ........
These people running a net zero campaign have lost their minds; they not only want to create heaven on earth before they die, they are, in the spirit of their own self righteousness, going to make our children pay for it . And it would be hell if they ever got what they wanted.
We have already seen what it costs to crap on about the century old technologies they are trying to shore up
We see this blind ignorant and completely arrogant nonsense and weep for our children .