Tuesday, December 7, 2021

I don't care ...... to be rational anymore

The chicken Ad speaks of just where we are and what we want      I love it !

Carefully crafted for your body to wasteit away, the chicken ads tell the story . we are really sick to death of trying to explain things rationally --- and that appears to be nearly all of us .... including me . 

Despite most leaders worshiping at the church of the rational solution ( CRS), God seems to have had his way . This old heresy that you only can know and be god is just not working .

Did you Know ?
That in an age which also worships technology that means that CRS is about to be thrown on the scrap heap  ( you heard it first at the Emperors academy ) This fanatical phenomena  is also clear evidence that the cracks are appearing .  Hold fast .

For those of us whose faith is bigger,  the great effort to prove the powerful right can  be a good thing--- it will fail .  but we also know from history that human beings aren't very rational creatures and destruction of the edifice  may not be productive -- just another challenge to return to truth telling before some new named worry takes the attention seekers focus   .
 It seems humans are often at their very worst when they convince themselves they are completely rational.  

There has never been , to my mind,  in my lifetime as an effective risk management ecologist,  less rational discussion leading to rational consensus .A paradox  for that dying group who claim we can rationalize our way out of everything. 
The posts on my blogs all speak of  a growing frustration of the mind ( over nearly now 20 years ) which eventually insists on "shoving it up the opposing phrase " ( cause that it all it is often ) 
What ever happened to certainty? What ever happened to scientific literacy 

With their new friends on the extreme edges these old cynics promote anything but a discussion in science but Ad Hominem on the spokesman.

The most concrete reality for me (in a strange paradox ) is that I as a scientist ( an earth scientist no less) claim to have the physics and chemistry very firmly on my side and ...
They as scientifically illiterates ( couldn't put 20 pages of Ads for net zero in November to work for them) claim to have science ( esp earth science) on their side  . Whitehead and Ellul all predicted this terrible day nearly one hundred years ago.       Flying blind  

Other contraindicators ( just one for now) 
Jordon Peterson has tried to remind the now wacky woke world of universities that Jung and Freud's work is being corralled into the same simple professional denials and arrogant simplicities as other scientists are saying has been happening to their work -  forcing what works into a frame that we at least know will never work. 

The extent of the problem
     take Global Warming and much of the catastrophic chatter for example 
Its extremely weird that ALL  these old scientifically illiterate desperadoes of OUR AGE (on both the left and right ) should on masse go woke and completely ignore that decarbonization is mad. - it is a false heaven  death wish, as applied scientists all know .

Relieve yourself from worry about Global warming . Leaves  have stoma and for eons they remind us that the earth is starving for CO2. 

Dostevsky said from his own experience, that if there is no God,  everything is permitted and sane  If people want to worry and insist we all worry thats all OK .  If you dare to go to the depths of the wild seas we live  in order to avoid fear of drowning watch this ........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S8-XDxEXZU&list=PLaw0Yv2GH8P-vMxmXYSyfmQN8z-Z9I9Yx

These people running a net zero campaign  have lost their minds; they not only want to create heaven on earth before they die,  they are,  in the spirit of their own self righteousness,  going to make our children pay for it . And it would be hell if they ever got what they wanted.

We have already seen what it costs to crap on about the century old technologies they are trying to shore up     

We see this blind ignorant and completely arrogant nonsense and weep for our children .

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

He calms the wind and the water and he will do it by 2050 , like he outta

Worry yourself silly about the use of nuclear power, the end of the world and the time when  fossil fuels will be  replaced by fuel made from algae; It is your choice.
  Don't worry anymore about global warming because Mr Albanese has envisaged a new plug in power source that will stop the droughts and calm the storms , He doesn't really know what it looks like, so he has given himself till 2050 to find out ,Josh ! He is  unfortunately not the only dreamer with his head in the sand over possible targets, (see below)

Before you too go back to join the scientifically incompetent cynical misanthropes, let me remind you that there was a time when we listened to each other; when we respected years of mentored study and training. True respect for science can mean we can  still offer great work for our children and stop dithering and playing dilettante. 
What is not responsible is if we go around quoting someone else; some meddling modeller who muddies the water and never makes any real decisions on all the risks involved . As a risk evaluator, I have to state the risk or lose my job and my credibility 
What you can do today to help us, is to help stop careless speculation about risk and call for an immediate end to all the wannabe heard noise;( my word wannabeherd)   Insist on effective  sound listening  and working proof science.  http://misplacedconcreteness.blogspot.com

Those who can't find anything better to do than carelessly blow holes in our ships need to go below and ask why very well educated people are happy to sleep night after night next to a modern nuclear reactor.

Finally then we might have some chance of getting out of our imposed prisons of fear and come up for air .

Albanese the prophet September 2021 Canutes men were, unlike his excellence , not wise enough, like many dependants today , to recognise the basis of their economic strength and how to maintain it. Like us they were busting holes in the boat with their greed indolence and unproductive and uninvestigated worry. see Chesterton . Josh Freidenberg said this week that he hopes to be able to meet Zero emissions targets ( a complete nonsense as well as being a suspect hope in itself . ) The High court of Australia should be challenging any company who claims to do things beyond their term of office to be charlatans; perveyors of false hope

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Aim HIGH - but don't fall flat on your face

  One day all these people who have never achieved anything in this world will be know by their proper name. Zeroers .

They aim at zero , they seek zero, and they know zero .
Now this is not due to the number of facts they can list  ,but rather their failure to link facts - they list too many ,AND  in no proper order.
They aren't good at measuring and being measured - they failed science practical 
 To really keep their sense of their own order ( false ) they write their own rules.

Anyway we know the sort 

So why in a world which WORKS by having the dialectic  of  competitive and cooperative by nature do they insist on the zero target ? 
like zero Covid cases   or zero emissions or zero growth .
--They are so heavenly minded they are of no earthly use - as religious as they come 
--They are purists ( cf practical ) and  idealists with only one thing in mind .
--They use language to win,  not to use it to make sense
No one can beat their high target ---  their pedantic word /number for no evil .

As potential tyrants  they know that no one can beat them for being so self righteous and truly religious about things far more complex that they understand...

Do they ever ask why zero brings zero questions or comebacks  - its the perfect number for some.   to loo

Just note. Because these people are not anchored ,they change tack a lot.
What they do  know is the value of impressions and going in hard and fast means they are the first to move the lever of change  

A warning to advisors . When the situation goes pear shaped and your credibility is ALSO at risk . Those who originally said "it was there idea will say No its Your idea "and you will be one that feels the final consequences.
The game is not over until its over .

Thursday, August 26, 2021

You are Dreaming Mate

 We all know it's the dreams that polys have that makes them think they can walk on water . Its a serious matter that many, if not most,  have not enough connection with how to make things work. 
We also know they share the bird bath splashing  with the popular media and popular opinion; a good 51% of the  whole world can be lost in dreaming at any one time .  
I have published elsewhere how the political system is corrupted by those who think they know .
Our polys don't know what they were doing with the pandemic, but have yet to admit it , let alone their careless speculation and failure to properly listen to key voice amongst the 49%
The public will occasionally sense the leaders are like that ,but they can easily not see how stupid and arrogant leaders alienate (  esp over time)capable  people in the public service and lead to all sorts of cloning of simple stupidity there - people who only think they know and have not even started to develop the tools they tackle too --essential professional development tools of humility and repentance (Carlyle)  .   

Monday, March 22, 2021

Who was the dumb person who insisted everyone in Australia had to vote ?

Clearly there is always a large portion of the people who never take any interest in what happens or could happen beyond their territory.
So why aren't just interested people given the vote?

I'll give you one. If the interested people know they have a good chance of getting their own puppets in,  they will be there and active on masse. They will control us. 

Like now, the city tells us how to run the country. Rural and regional people  have lost faith in the democracy. Our children don't care either .  

How can democracy last when it serves only one group and people with any integrity give up on it ?  
 Are you prepared to help us prevent that happening?  Please do !  Join in here