Sunday, February 28, 2010

Atheists meet to save the world as we know it

The passionate meeting of religious nutbreakers in Melbourne next week would make an interesting psychological study. They want to get rid of organized religions , but seem to be acting just like them. Some questions for observers might be
What will be in evidence there for:
- confession ( " all humans seem to need a god of some kind" )
- projection (ie "takes one to know one ")
- deep reality ("God , whoever you think he/she is is not here , there or anywhere!" "we can prove it !")
- no heretical talk (God talk is banned )
- competition ("my god is better than your god")
- denial ( "I am not religiuos "; "My neighbour is not like me at all "
- fanaticism  Check out the post conference POST HERE

Amongst other things , the unbelievers are promoting the conference as a means of freeing the world from "blinkered" thinking.
Why wouldn't a less reactionary and closed framework provide a better paradigm for lateral thinking than the one that they reckon stiffles reality thinking ( the categories above) .
Worse, if the psychologists are right (we all invent gods) maybe failure to admit this reality maybe their BIG stumbling block to progress NEXT WEEK.

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