Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dreamy dumb talk

When is a tax not a tax - when you don't call it one . when you call it a price .
When will a tax not work  - when you can't see it or put it in a bank and measure it  -which is most of the time with carbon . Whatabout  when you can see it ,  its often changing into something else that even the smartest of meters can't measure .

Why Oakshott and Windsor would back it is a mystery - rich people don't mind paying a small tax but regional people are killed by em.  


  1. Windsor and Oakeshott presumably believe they are like the greens - acting courageously . Unfortunately in matters so complex they should only act when they know they are acting wisely Generalized taxation of a moving target is like trying to milk cats .
    Windsor might like to ask a economist of note whether weather is more like taxing the wind and forget about the certainties of wheat . GT of one universal resource in transition is a dumb recipe that distorts the market and any government who thinks they can influence the market so strongly is foolish.
    They presumably think a small tax will not hurt anyone but they aren't economists ( economists know that fads, speculation and marginal price effects are dangerous and unpredictable ) The greatest evil is still done in the name of the best intention
    Well intentioned these 2 may be are , but they are foolish to create bureaus of blessing.The only ones blessed are likely to be , like they are at the moment , the bureaus themselves .

  2. These people aren't smart enough to make their smart meters smart enough . As any scientist knows, most meters tell you when growth is exponential (when its too late to stop the problem of ecodisaster happening ) . You need a really smart meter called a scientist . He would tell you to trust him - not pollies and the public. The latter are in panic paranoia over population but they don't understand real risk. Ireland's population in 1845 was twice its carrying capacity and nature imposed a carbon tax of its own because the scientists of the day didn't understand it . Juklia's scientists still don't understand the very same eco element- otherwise they would realise their whole idea of meters should be chucked back into the dumb bookkeepers dream cupboard from whence it came.
