Thursday, June 12, 2014

Beyond a mere god

Heidigger said only a god could change the world . Chesterton said that if you abolish God the government becomes god . If only we listened to one or both of these old blokes we might not have wasted billions trying to fight the unseen enemy CC  .  If only the Roman emperors could see the foolishness of their worries about the people worshipping an unseen God .
Modern progressives are living in a dream and have proven that despite spending billions { of money that was not their own) to try to force the public to lower carbon emissions ; the strategy they chose (carbon tax and market mechanisms)

They should have listened to and studied sociology so they knew how difficult it really is to change behaviour ( at what tax percentage markup do you stop smoking ?) A great student of the subject like Ellul.

The individual who burns with desire for action but does not know what to do is a common type in our society. He wants to act for the sake of justice, peace, progress, but does not know how. If propaganda can show him this 'how' then it has won the game; action will surely follow".[33]:209

Beyond  a mere god - and god worship 

When ABCTV put a panel together of scientists and let them talk we will ignore their selective editing  and 
restrictive solution exploration: we know they have walked out of church in disgust 

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