Monday, December 14, 2015

Darwin would disagree with all this folly

The wannabe gods of our world see nothing tyrannical in mandating themselves the authors of the greatest moral piece of paper in our time- President Obama clearly doesn't have any idea what a moral victory really looks like, and that’s scary.
Canute was a very practical man but even he had trouble convincing his courtiers that he was not god . Its like the woolworths chairman said . "we are not short of ideas (Malcolm and Barrack ) just people to implement them  .

Back home, Malcolm Turnbull,  in his hyperbole,  has forgotten to check whether all the millions he is to spend in the Pacific are to put up sea barriers or to stop parts of the Kiribati ledges from sinking .  Darwin would not be impressed with Liberal science . Either way our leaders are seeing visions and dreaming dreams of a world that has very narrow walls and roofs ; no  context in real environmental realities .
These demigods clearly don’t see it that way , but what do they see ?  They start with fear and end, just  a short distance away,  by making people feel good about themselves.see the article this week of pictures from Kirabati -- they were too happy and many worry warriors couldn't cope!!

 If that vision is all that matters to  many,  the strange gathering is on sand.   Not the Christlike cutting sword of truth at Christmas ,  but a sucked in softie type of "peace speech for our time"

Fraser island earlier this year
Sand erosion , groundwater and soluble salts work their magic

 “ Deep drilling of atolls essentially confirmed Darwin’s hypothesis of thick, shallow-water limestone sequences deposited on subsiding  volcanic basement” Bruce Richmond'   United States Geological Survey  1993

Elements of the process of reef formation are a little controversial, but not the influence of gravity on steep rocks against a trench ; the weakness of a ledge
 Few presidents, despite their incompetence, would think it – let alone say it ( consider Lincoln )


  1. Lots of UN agreements that aren't worth the paper they are printed on, but this maybe the first to authorize our taxes to be used to stop something that works to spend money on something that doesn't; let alone let persons as yet unnamed spend money on projects yet unknown.

  2. Be more honest if they called it research money of perhaps fishing funds . Clearly if you don't really know what you want, you may just keep up the current facade of shooting anyone esle who dares to make life easier by doing as we have done getting things done - use up our capital . I notice they didn't agree to an international carbon neutral authority to assess claims scientifically -- or anything scientifically ??

  3. Is it all about us solving other people's problems -- thats so easy to do .....its not funny .... let alone mandating yourself to use our money!!!!!
