Friday, December 23, 2016

Many Libs blatantly support exploitation of our primary resources ----incl us

Incompetent meddling in water resources .

Governments around Australia foolishly allowed the traditional water rights of landowners to be compromised a few years ago and they MUST review where they have been and REFORM the system 
so it makes more sense like old water rights did .

The high taxing and incompetent water boards ( they don't know environment) were given too much power in the rush to privatize./ admin the issue of water . The waste on Desal plants might not have happened if these gunghos in power had kept INDEPENDENT advisors of COMPLEX environmental matters .

They MUST return to that and stop the bleeding hearts and pockets of those who have to put up with adviser after advisor , contractor after contractor, rip off investor etc 
The need to regulate irrigation water ( cf stock and domestic) should remain . 
Whats mad is this idea that a market type charge ( maybe cost recovery fee?) should apply and that water licences are a source of equity in the industry .When there is a drought there is little water to share. 
A true water conservation policy is not market driven but people, good resource and need driven. God and simple capability allocation commitments should largely determine when where and whether our highly efficient farmers get water , Not hard and should be done .
Polys should repent at Christmas of their addiction to all things market and the simple bookkeeping approach to resource allocation .

Too many LIbs are just like Scrooge, and about as big thinking

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