I mean look at all the sheep in Parliament who are bewitched by the pathetic portents of public opinion . They fly off here and there to solve the problems of this worldl.Most of them couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery .
I wouldn't mind if they knew what they were doing but they got on the plane by agreeing that the Public do know what they are doing - Clearly they don't know what they are doing to find energy sources other than fossil fuels -- only fools would force us to the hell of a fixed jail term-- a simple 43% solution. Public opinion is as fickle as the hot air they hope to manage.
So if God has a sense of humor and justice, how is He going to break the spell ? Maybe like us old parents , he gets to the point of saying" let them wear their own" .
I know God has a sense of humor and many other things because , miracle of miracles the tributes to Queen Elizabeth by our leaders TODAY was exceptional and because humble pie awaits us all .
For your enjoyment of this day when we celebrate the honoring of incomplete human beings
You will meet them in the following places .
The Russian commo who organises the concert in " the Concert"on stage when the music comes together,
The kings speech
Young Victoria