Sunday, February 26, 2023

Up and Down Up and Down , all we have is dancing clowns

 Albanese is such a clown. Our prime Minister is so easy to please, he will dance as requested to the never happies and make no one ever happy.  Mardi gras parade this sunday . 
His place in history will soon,  like Shortens, fade into yet another shallow  attempt to follow the donkey's head of popular opinion or its common mate; unhappy noisemakers . 
He talks love and acceptance which , like the puppet he is,  is a call is for everyone to do just what they feel like.
That childish attitude from a leader is the death and destruction legacy of his term. 
This is short term gain, long term pain, but he doesn't know it.
His party do not know the way to peace .
They only just got to power by compromising their integrity.
Albo set his crimes in concrete, and his mind into neutral. by calling others imperatives his MANDATE and the being so dumb as to not let parliament review the legislation - the little dangling pussy cat who hasn't got a voice let alone the ability to prosecute a new VOICE to the people . 

In their innocence Greenlabor have chosen the normal way to make everyone unhappy. People don't see that paradox because its not obvious enough.    Andrews is a bit smarter;  he reckons he doesn't do whats popular but what is right . be good if he knew what he was doing but he's just another meddler .Andrews doesn't know what's right so stopping everything ( except the bullies holding him up) becomes his default and dance around position .   Stopping timber harvesting is not right because its wrong to let things rot  , but none of these meddlers know that . Andrews still closes down everything in a mad mood that supposed to pay 4 his governemnets ignornat and panic driven meddling; pleasing   his own green bullies . 
 Aussies are now the most innocent people in the world pretending they are isolated from evil. 
-- the evil inside . The evil of simplicity guilt and giving in  
All the man , like in so many buildings around the country , can hear is noise.  what he needs like Shakespeare says is an mid sumer ights dream with the truth and donkey heads . 
Albo  doesn't understand the first thing about how progress or its enemy promiscuity-- arrives on our doorstep.Sodom knocks on your door because the proponents are are never satisfied and even a fortnight blitz won't change the challenge . 
That very weak puppet and his hastily collected crew can't last .
Albo and his stupid mate can't make anything happen-- they understand nothing but the shallow moment .  .
Hell hides behind the mad dream of the moment . The idea of "just doing what ever gives you joy" takes you back to your childhood when the only real comfort you have is plastic toys. 

"Confounding oath upon oath, fate will overule these fools"  puck . 

All the man can hear is noise  Noise from 200 at Uluru who can't make enough sense to put their ambitions in writing. Its taken another dumb milksop innocent like Craven to realize that " advice " in legal terms is nearly as powerful as " instruct " . The ABC,  full of bush lawyers don't even know this either . Decepetion , self deception and crass stupidity. 

All the man can hear is noise and he can't see the donkeyhead standing beside him . Jimmy -The new Lionel Murphy .
'What we wouldn't do with your money !" 
Power corrupts and this sort of playing up to the popular and simple (making a profit is not hard - making a profit long term is for people who live off the planet and see us as we are
Judas became disillusioned  and the  sudden gift of being treasurer can do that
Power corrupts the very shaky ground of the never happies .
 Imagine how little money our children will have once the drug merchants have
 finished with us. 

Jimmy wouldn't survive in the USA because they have just seen how alexander Hamilton used his own experience to build up from NOTHING  what he and the Federal USA  system did not have. . 
Would Jimmy  survive in Hell where best intentions created the damning concrete of the greatest evil?

Picture of a puppet pulling his own strings 

1 comment:

  1. As for the Libs . There own blind self righteousness keeps them from even being considered for holding office in Victoria. Recent treatment of Moira and Bernie Finn
