Tuesday, November 28, 2017

What explains this amazing unity amongst the Parties

On rushing through SSM marriage and VAD without properly considering amendments,,November 2017
Before I make a suggestion , because I don't think the motivation of our reps who will support this is very deep, I draw your attention to a amazing Boyer lecture on Politics given by John Passmore.
In that series John reminds us that Politicians seldom admit that one of their biggest frustrations is "that they simply don't know what to do ".
If what he said in 1978 was true  it would take something world shattering to get the sort of consensus we have at this moment on 29th November 2017 amongst the parties .
Both bills have great historic significance
Both bills reject long held views on cultural norms ,
And despite the huge historic significance those who have got over the line seem to think they no longer have to listen to those who have difficulty with this simplicity
Eyes must have been opened
, and most importantly old prohibitions have been condemned as backward
Old prohibitions have been condemned as backward.   This strong attitude ( not often openly stated )may well set the scene for the attacks on Christians and others who disagree with the adoption of the principles on these Acts

MY suggestion  That there is no criticism  of politicians that motivates s the minds of those people across parties than the one that they could be backward in the ir thinking .
In a predictable way its the idea of evolution and progress that overcomes the sound inertia that normally keeps Parliament revises the old ways that they are no so happy to reject. I welcome anyone challenging me to say that  the motivation goes deeper than that .

PROGRESSIVES win this battle ( by using emotion ) but will they win the war
After all, will their assertion  that be Old prohibitions must be  condemned as backwardor just as before the need for the old prohibition against suicide and clear definitions of marriage and why its important to frame it well ( risk of children)
I turn to someone who described the modern phenomenon nearly 100 years ago .

GK Chesterton

One reason offered for being a Progressive is that things naturally tend to grow better. But the only real reason for being a Progressive is that things naturally tend to grow worse.

My summary 

Progressives have the joy of being cynical about all those" living in the past" and the freedom to not really think deeply about the future because they think it will be better automatically

That's why its easy for all parties to get up and dance this week - they believe in evolution

in other words nothing is more potent at dinner than a device which lubricates the friction filled wheels of progress.  The fact that automatic faith in progress more the  poison of the modern west than any other religion was in the same period  is not accepted - the waste has yet to be seen yet alone calculated .
In seeing real progress they have forgotten about the wolf .


  1. They see themselves as revolutionaries.
    Revolutionaries -only in the sense that they win arguments by going around in circles with words. We have to live in the real world with their other worldy agenda.

  2. Even lawyers will be amazed . SSM bill presumes to limit damage by calling itself cultural or language change bill. VAD bill has got ammendments that won't work. Bush lawyers will have a picnic thinking post Christmas growth factors.
