Monday, May 13, 2019

So whatever happened to the Climate Catastrophe?

ABCTV's Tony organised it so all the heavies would be there,  but somehow - all the angst about
the impending climate catastrophe went off like one big fizzer on last nights Q and A 
The asteroid may have hit , but noone felt it
Maybe it was just guilt passing by , as Bauerlein is saying
Who in their right mind would allow any of that  confused and confusing panel of wannabes to rule.
More pain is clear,  but for what Gain is definitely not clear. 
The whole thing seems to be just a lot of hot air . Nothing new in the offering by the worried parties 

Nothing at all from the Opposition Coalition .

If Labor gets in,  it will be on the basis of deception,  deceiving the people. Worse, Labor and the Greens ( the most unstable and unpredictable coalition in Australia's history ) will use that hot air to waste another ten years taxing us more to just hand out  solar panels for middle class roofs ( and stupidly-- as the Greens do on their site)

What irrational rhetoric allows these DIMWITS to proclaim such incompetent , unjust  and ineffective meddling.   Great evil done in the name of the best intention . 

Not even a prod from Tony about the reef gave Richard more than goosebumps
The Greens went to water with Tanya and Helen following on.
Richard was desperate enough to avoid the reef , but made the worse mistake of mentioning another Green labor fiasco ,. The MD plan ;

Tanya ,Burke and Richard might be better to go back to worrying about the reef , or protection plans for warming or rising water    Take another 6 years and develop a plan . No just confess you don't know what you are doing and find something more productive to do . 

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