Monday, June 17, 2019

If wannabes are going to preach--- they must bring heaven back to earth, or be dismissed

In a paradox of profound proportions today's new religious left are going to try to drag us through their endless purgatory of carbon bashing by focusing on the world beyond . Will it work on Q and A tonight ? .Probably not - the producers are trying to control something they don't understand . Time our polys told them to properly let scientists speak . The wonder of the universe is indeed wonderful with wonder increasing with each new view, but to deal with wicked real local world problems we need focus.
Most of us have been waiting for our public broadcaster to stand aside and let the scientists fight CC out in front of us ( I have asked for it heaps of times ).Never happened in 2 decades on non debate.  . It even looked like it was going to happen tonite but its closed shop The same old same old echo chamber as usual

 Even with  the profound rebuke of the last election the worry warrior politicians  within the ABC ( is this right???) select the panel, the questions and largely control the outcome . ho hum  zero sum game

Even when a  bomb goes off , there is usually enough scorn and cynicism sprayed on by the ruling class to keep limpet like ABC audiences from switching off .
But switching off the thinking ones are and have been - the country is watching Sky news  and if you think that means we are stupid you are being regionalist and you would be wrong .
Sustainability issues 
Most importantly,  the only religions that last , offer a sense of freedom and a future that works . Not one that is pie in the sky . where the heroes  talk of batteries w e haven't got yet , a world we can't control .  Worse a worship type world which requires us to sacrifice ourselves like Jesus ( but no lasting personal reward ) as a token to solve the climate crisis.   No sale .

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